

Milonga, 21 February 7.30 – 11pm, Diamond Centre

More details and registration here

We are a non-profit group run by dancers for dancers based in Norwich. We are friendly, inclusive, and passionate about sharing Argentine tango with others and bringing joy to this world through dancing.

Our teachers Mabel & Michael

In Sprowston Diamon Centre, we offer weekly classes to improvers and intermediates, led by Mabel Rivero and Michael Lavocah. Our students also have access to a space to practice before or after class at no extra cost – which we always encourage, as the more you practise, the faster your dance will improve.

Whether you are part of our weekly classes or not, you are most welcome to attend our milongas and tea dances, which we run monthly – check out our calendar below. You can expect a warm community, delicious snacks, great music, and lots of fairy lights!

Workshops are run ad hoc and for different levels, you don’t have to be one of our students to attend. If you would like to hear about these, please fill out the form below and we will add you to our newsletter.

A couple dancing tango

Stay in touch!

Tango is a social dance, and our community expands beyond Norwich. Milongeros will travel long distances to attend workshops with renowned teachers or a famous milonga.

To keep in touch with this widespread community, we maintain the Tango Norfolk group on Facebook where all our events, as well as other local and East Anglian tango events, are advertised.

You’ll also find us on Instagram and we send updates via our newsletter.

Sign up below to hear about the upcoming milongas and workshops in Norwich and Norfolk.

Tango Etiquette

If you are new to tango, you are probably unfamiliar with a lot of the terms and etiquette around tango, like how does a leader ask for a dance? What does tanda or cortina mean? What about small talk on the dance floor? And, actually, what is a milonga?

You can find a helpful dictionary and etiquette catalogue here.

While we do not expect you to learn all of the terminology straight-away, we do ask all milonga attendees to follow the etiquette. These simple etiquette rules make the milonga enjoyable for everyone, and are the international standard across all tango communities, so as long as you follow them, you won’t be out of place in any milonga regardless of the country!


Visiting teachers Elizabeth & Luis dancing a milonga